A bird in hand

Idioms for not being greedy
children story of animals
chilren stories- squirrels
children story- animals , birds

 The story of the Wise Little Sparrow

Once upon a time, in a lush green forest, there lived a wise little sparrow named Harry. Harry was known far and wide for his cleverness and quick thinking. One sunny morning, as he hopped from branch to branch, he overheard two chatty squirrels discussing a delicious feast of berries hidden in the bushes nearby.

Excited by the news, Harry fluttered over to the squirrels and asked about the berries. The squirrels shared that there were plenty of juicy berries waiting to be picked in the bushes beyond the meadow. Harry’s eyes sparkled with delight at the thought of such a tasty treat.

Without wasting a moment, Harry flew towards the meadow, eager to find these delectable berries. As he reached the bushes, he spotted not one but two plump worms wriggling near a berry bush. His heart raced with joy at the sight of such a delightful meal.

Just as Harry was about to grab one of the worms, the other one disappeared into the bush. As he decided to look for the other worm, he remembered his grandmother’s wise words: “A bird in hand is worth two in the bush.” Confused by what this meant, Harry decided to seek advice from his older friend, Mr. Owl.

Perched high on a tree branch, Mr. Owl listened attentively to Harry’s dilemma. With a gentle hoot, Mr. Owl explained that sometimes it is better to be content with what you have rather than risking everything for something more uncertain.

Harry pondered over Mr. Owl’s words and realized that having one worm in hand was better than chasing after uncertain ones in the bush, risking what you already have. He thanked Mr. Owl for his wisdom and happily enjoyed his meal without any regrets.

From that day on, Harry became known as “The Wise Little Sparrow” among all the creatures in the forest for his valuable lesson learned.

Moral of the story: It is better to appreciate what you have than to chase after something uncertain or risky.

Related idioms:
“Better safe than sorry.”
“Grasp all, lose all.”

And so ends our tale of wisdom and contentment from the heart of the forest where even little sparrows can teach us valuable lessons about life.

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