kid’s stories with  related idioms and phrases


definition and meaning


Once upon a time, in a beautiful forest, there lived a little girl named Little Red Riding Hood. She was known for her red cloak and kind heart. However, there was a cunning creature lurking in the shadows, waiting to deceive her

Just like the saying “a wolf in sheep’s clothing,” this story teaches us to be cautious of those who pretend to be something they’re not

A WOLF IN SHEEP’S CLOTHING definition and meaning

This idiom refers to someone who appears harmless or innocent on the surface, but is actually dangerous or deceitful. It originates from the story of Little Red Riding Hood, where the wolf disguises itself as the grandmother by wearing her clothes, hoping to trick her into thinking he is harmless. This is similar to the idiom “a wolf in sheep’s clothing,” which means someone who pretends to be friendly or innocent but is actually dangerous or deceitful


Imagine you have a new friend at school who always acts very nice and helpful. They offer to carry your backpack and walk you home every day. At first, you might think they are just being kind, like Little Red Riding Hood thought about the wolf pretending to be her grandmother

But one day, your friend asks you for your lunch money and promises to pay you back later. You lend them the money because you trust them. However, days go by, and they never return your money. You realize that your friend was just pretending to be nice so they could take advantage of you


Just like Little Red Riding Hood learned from her encounter with the big bad wolf, it’s important for us to be cautious when we meet new people or face unfamiliar situations. We should not judge others solely based on their appearance or actions but also pay attention to their intentions

Remember that not everyone who seems friendly is truly trustworthy. It’s essential to listen to our instincts and seek help from trusted adults if we feel uncomfortable or unsure about someone’s intentions

By understanding the idiom “a wolf in sheep’s clothing” through the story of Little Red Riding Hood, we can learn valuable lessons about trust, deception, and staying safe

So remember: Be aware of those who may try to deceive you with their false appearances

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