English stories for kids and idioms- Little Red Riding Hood

Once upon a time, there was a little girl called Little Red Riding Hood who was living with her mother near the wood

One day she wanted to see her grandmother, because she heard that her grandmother was very ill

As she was going through the wood, she met a wolf. He asked her with a fake ugly smile where she was going

I am going to see my grandmother. she answered kindly

Does she live far off?” said the wolf again

It is after that mill you see over there

The wolf ran quickly to the old woman’s house. He passed the mill and reached the house. He knocked at the door

Tap, tap, tap.

 Who’s there? asked grandma

It’s me, your lovely grand daughter,  Little Red Riding Hood,” replied the wolf, faking her voice and smiling to himself

The good grandmother called  out happily , “come in my dear

The wolf opened the door, and ate her up

He then shut the door and got into the grandmother’s bed waiting for The Little Red Riding Hood

Tap, tap, tap.

Who’s there? asked the wolf, faking grandmother’s voice

It’s me, your little grand daughter.  Little Red Riding Hood

The wolf cried out, come in honey

Little Red Riding Hood went to the house

Grandmother, what big arms you have? she asked

All the better to hug you with, my dear

Grandmother, what big ears you have? she looked closely

All the better to hear you with, my child. the wolf answered

Grandmother, what big eyes you have? she came closer to see

All the better to see you with, my child

Grandmother, what big teeth you have? she screamed

All the better to eat you up with

The wolf jumped up and shouted. Little Red Riding Hood screamed loudly

A hunter heard them. He ran over to the house quickly. The wolf screamed and grandmother jumped out of his mouse. The hunter took an aim quickly but the wolf ran away and he was never seen again after that

Moral lesson:

the importance of caution and critical thinking when interacting with strangers.

This story warns children about the dangers of blindly trusting others, especially those who may have ulterior motives.

It encourages people to be aware of their surroundings, ask questions, and seek help if needed.

Idiom related to the story

“Like a wolf in sheep’s clothing”

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